is there a Kotlin Multiplatform equivalent for the...
# gradle
is there a Kotlin Multiplatform equivalent for the Java Test Fixtures plugin? I want to share test helpers between subprojects, per target platform (so there would be jvmTestFixtures, jsTestFixtures, etc).
Not that I'm aware of, but afair the plugin mainly defines a feature variant and provides a helper method to request that variant's capability. So probably not too hard to replicate.
sharing multiplatform to multiplatform could probably be done similarly
thanks @ephemient, that looks promising
what’s the difference between the
config and the
? Do the dependency files contain the test classes themselves?
Copy code
val parent = configurations.getByName("jvmTestRuntimeClasspath")
Copy code
yes, but that's probably not something you need, I'm just re-exporting the test cases so I can re-run them in another project
(which would normally be a pointless thing to do, why run the same test multiple times; it only makes sense in my example because I'm recompiling it with graalvm)
under normal circumstances you'd more likely want test to depend on testFixtures
gotcha, thanks
it exposes the test classes like yours did too, just to test to see if it works first
I think it’s working, at least the unit tests are passing, but IntelliJ isn’t happy. It doesn’t recognise that there’s a dependency
basically I just ignore the IDE. as long as it builds it's right
Why not extracting the helpers into its own module?
1. I'm updating the Gradle config of an existing code base and I wanted to avoid making too many changes 2. the test-fixtures code needs to be able to access
visibility code