Apologies for asking a kotlin/mpp debug question h...
# doodle
Apologies for asking a kotlin/mpp debug question here, but I am trying to debug the doodle contact tutorial. I generate source maps, and step through my own commonMain and jsMain source in the debugger. But I cannot "load content" from anything in "webpack://doodle-contacts/compileSync" For example: Could not load content for webpack://doodle-contacts/compileSync/js/main/productionExecutable/kotlin/jsMainSources/libraries/stdlib/js/src/kotlin/collections/HashSet.kt?fb14 (Fetch through target failed: Unsupported URL scheme; Fallback: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME) I would like to be able to step through kotlin library code, just like I can with JDK library code. Am I trying to do something that cannot be done? Here is a screen-shot.