Hey! I am running into this issue with a very simi...
# decompose
Hey! I am running into this issue with a very similar project setup as well, even after a successful clean build, any ideas how to proceed from here? https://github.com/arkivanov/Decompose/issues/342
Found the issue! Turns out MVIKotlin is pulling in essenty 0.10.0, bumping this version fixed the issue. I’ve submitted a PR here: https://github.com/arkivanov/MVIKotlin/pull/89
Thanks! I'm wondering why this matters? There were no changes in Essenty v1.0.0 compared to v0.10.0.
I'm not sure why either! It's very odd but apparently made the difference
Was 0.10.0 compiled against 1.7.10? That's my only guess (given the you track issue)
No, they both compiled with Kotlin 1.8.0
How did you verify that this fixes the issue?
Ah, got it! The update was never released! The latest MVIKotlin 3.1.0 is still on Kotlin 1.7.10 and Essenty 1.9.0
I will release an update today
Oh gotchya! Sounds great. I'm absolutely loving mvikotlin and decompose at work (at Goterra) and will make great use of it going forward
Awesome! Thanks for the feedback and the PR.
All good, its very kind of you to appreciate such tiny PR haha.
Released MVIKotlin 3.2.0
Amazing! I'll update first thing on Monday :)