:wave: is there any similar implementation of the...
# decompose
👋 is there any similar implementation of the
composable for Android on iOS for SwiftUI? I am looking in particular to animate transitions between children
You can try the sample StackView for SwiftUI, it utilizes the platform navigation - https://github.com/arkivanov/Decompose/blob/master/sample/app-ios/app-ios/StackView.swift Or you can write something your own. You can check the Custom Navigation example - https://github.com/arkivanov/Decompose/blob/master/sample/app-ios/app-ios/CustomNavigationView.swift It's not Child Stack, but similar concepts are used.
that's great! I am doing some exploratory code from SwiftUI I'll check it. Regarding Android I have found that Decompose can solve problems that otherwise would be harder to solve, so even without multiplatform decompose is useful, thanks for the work!
maybe it would make sense to make a swift library that we can pull in, a cocoapods or what ever
I doubt that it's technically possible to create a published Swift library that would depend on Decompose. And at the same time it could be added to an Xcode project that depends on a shared module that also depends on Decompose. 😀 I had this question with Reaktive and also couldn't solve it that time - https://github.com/badoo/Reaktive/issues/538#issuecomment-723218997 Would be good to know if there is actually a way.
ooo good point