<@UU3D60VQD> It's great to hear that you will be m...
# gsoc
@bobko It's great to hear that you will be mentoring the project to improve support for parameter forwarding in the Kotlin Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA. This feature is also the one that I desire the most. I have been developing Android apps for about two years and have recently started learning and developing in Jetpack Compose. I absolutely love Compose, and it would be fantastic to have better support for it. Although I have a good understanding of Kotlin and Java, I lack experience in developing JB Plugins. Hence, I'm curious about how I should get started with this project. I visited YouTrack to see if I could fix some issues, but the requirements were beyond my current level of knowledge, so I'm currently learning more about the JB-Platform-SDK. Regarding the proposal submission, is there a specific format that we should use? Additionally, can we receive feedback on our proposals? Lastly, I would like to know if it's appropriate to DM the mentors. This is me, https://github.com/divyanshdxn/
I visited YouTrack to see if I could fix some issues, but the requirements were beyond my current level of knowledge, so I'm currently learning more about the JB-Platform-SDK.
If you want to try fixing some issues in the Kotlin plugin then you can take a look at 'Up For Grabs' tag in YouTrack: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues?q=%23KTIJ%20tag:%20%7BUp%20For%20Grabs%7D%20%23Unresolved%20 We use 'Up For Grabs' for easy/good entry points issues. Or you can be more specific and add "completion" in the search: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues?q=%23KTIJ%20tag:%20%7BUp%20For%20Grabs%7D%20%23Unresolved%20completion (since in scope of GSoC you would need to provide a completion, it makes sense to get familiar with completion subsystem)
Lastly, I would like to know if it's appropriate to DM the mentors.
Unless you have a private question, it's better to keep our communication open in this channel
Thanks, I'll also keep that in mind. Yeah it's better to ask in public, this way it could also help others 😊.
Just the last one regarding proposal format :)