I would like to use Firebase in my Jetpack Compose...
# compose-desktop
I would like to use Firebase in my Jetpack Compose for Desktop project : so is fine to create an Android application from the Firebase console in order to use it ? Or should I create a Web application ?
There isn't a sdk to use firebase in plain Java, so its not really possible to use it in Compose for Desktop
Ok, thank you.
@loloof64 actually you can use
dependencies on JVM which allow you to use expect/actual to use Firebase services on both JVM and Android. See https://github.com/fmasa/wfrp-master/tree/master/common%2Ffirebase You don't get the simple authentication integration on Desktop, but you can handle the authentication yourself and then pass Firebase token to the SDK https://github.com/fmasa/wfrp-master/blob/master/common/src/jvmMain/kotlin/cz/frantisekmasa/wfrp_master/common/auth/AuthenticationManager.kt
Thank you very much 🙂 I'm try gonna this method 🙂
Hi again. I've seen that you authenticate with the given username and password (from fields in your application), but is there a way to authenticate to firebase just with my developper account ?
In another words : is there a documentation for the endpoint "https://identitytoolkit.googleapis.com/v1/accounts" and other authentification endpoints ?
Depending on what you want to use Firebase for, Sentry could be a good alternative: https://sentry.io/
Thank you. In fact I would like to use a service like Cloud Firestore.
Maybe I can use AppWrite instead, and host my backend myself. https://appwrite.io/