Guys anyone using jetpack compose in production
# compose
Guys anyone using jetpack compose in production
👌 23
Yes, at multiple companies over the last three years
xml no longer active you mean
Not for me. I have always had some legacy XML files. But just becuase the apps were written before Compose was a thing.
I am about half and half right now.
I am also using jetpack compose now in production most of project is demanding focus on jetpack compose rather than xml
Why do you bring this up?
because I am teaching android kotlin thats why I want to know I have to teach them xml first then compose or straight to compose
Ya it seems like a brief intro to XML would be good just to understand the history and prepare for legacy code.
Current Company App 1M+ downloads Previous Company App 100k+ downloads Current App mixes old View system and Compose. Previous Company full compose. I heard they are moving to react-native because the cross platform. Compose multiplatform wasn't ready when they made the decision
@CRamsan it is not difficult to use jetpack compose with xml legacy code
In my case. Some fragments use xml and some compose. But it is not a big deal having both in the app.
I would throw them straight to the compose pool, that's how you learn to swim.
compose all the way baby
I think it would be great to get the perspectives of those hiring/interviewing junior - mid level Android developers today. I say this because I recognize my bias for wanting things to be all Kotlin and Compose. But I would want to also understand the landscape the person you are training will be in by the time they go to apply for jobs.
^^^ I was hired with 0 professional XML experience. I had only done some dabbling on my own. Previously I had just done compose. However, my first few months all I did was XML.
Why was the first few months XML?
Let me guess 🤔, legacy code 🤷🏻
You should teach them XML as well, one reason is your students want be getting job on compose working environment only. There might be xml based code due to some reason on company side or other, if they do not know about xml it will be hard to work with it.
thank you so guys for the answers