:tada: Hey everyone! http4k v5 has dropped. Feel f...
# http4k
🎉 Hey everyone! http4k v5 has dropped. Feel free to give it this reddit post some love and share the news! both http4k and http4k-connect v5 are available now from Maven Central! 🎉 https://www.reddit.com/r/http4k/comments/14f6apy/http4k_platform_v5_new_servers_loom_tracerbullet/
🎉 11
Here's what I'm excited about: Jetty Loom Support While many of my existing EC2 services are still on an LTS JVM, upgrading and recycling clusters just for loom isn't really worth it. However, I have some new ECS services that are already on 19. It will be interesting to see if Loom affects the metrics at all; I'm particularly interested in memory utilization. Kondor Json Reflectionless JSON marshalling is near-mandatory for responsive JVM lambdas, but almost all of the existing options I know of have gotchas: from complicating the build (kotshi), to requiring excessive annotations and not having perfect openapi generation (kotlinx-serialization). It will be interesting to see how Kondor fits in. I intend to try it out on a new side project this weekend. Sun Http Loom Support I'm a curious about the use-case for this. From what I can tell, Sun Http isn't recommended for production usage, so what's the benefit? Perhaps lower resource consumption during tests with a real server? But is it even worth running real network tests when you're not using Sun Http in production?
1. I'm actually more excited to see how Helidon works out. I've added it to the FrameworkBenchmarks, but their toolchain is currently on Python 2.7 and that was EOL'd on Monday so the PR is held up! 2. We're using Kotshi+Moshi on a sidegig and it's working ok for us. I've actually been fairly pleasantly surprised at how good it's been 3. We did it because we could! 😉
1. Jetty has always been a rock for me; but I'm sure I'll give Helidon a shot some day. 2. Kotshi works well when it works, but I often have build compatibility issues, which are a pain. Plus, the generated code often bugs out and needs a clean. kotlinx-serialization doesn't have this issue. 3. That's as a good a reason as any!
2. Ah yes - this does seem to be a problem around KPS not picking up changes. We worked around that by making the sources always out of date - but yes - that's a problem that Kotshi(?) might need to fix