I really wanted to use khttp, but it doesn't work
# http4k
I really wanted to use khttp, but it doesn't work
I guess you are talking about http4k ? If you are, it definitely does work, but it's tricky to provide advice to you from that description of the problem you're having. If you could explain a bit more about what you had a problem with, I'm sure that people here could help. Lots of people find http4k a reliable, predictable, and productive library for creating http clients and servers, with some simple but powerful core abstractions.
It definitely does work; it just works quite differently from what many developers are used to. If you can tell us what the issue is, and/or give us a minimal reproducible code sample, we can point you in the right direction.
lol no i was talking about khttp which is another library which requires you to use some jvm system override to let it use some esoteric reflection api from old jdk versions
thus i must use http4k, which is really overkill for what i want, which is just an http client
Ah. Well, if you want the most lightweight solution, java 11 has its own HttpClient, which is quite usable. As for http4k, you only need the 1 MB http4k-core module, which allows you to use the java 11 HttpClient, or the java 8 HttpUrlConnection under the hood. No need to bring in apache or okhttp as the backend for your http client.