Is there a more kotlin-y way of doing this. In thi...
# jackson-kotlin
Is there a more kotlin-y way of doing this. In this instance JsonDataClassHolder is an interface, which many different types can implement.
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fun <T : JsonDataClassHolder> findProfile(
        content: String,
        clazz: Class<T>
    ): T {
  return mapper.readValue(contentRaw, clazz)
I also tried
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fun <T : JsonDataClassHolder> findProfile(
        content: String
    ): T {
  val type = object : TypeReference<T>() {}
  return mapper.readValue(contentRaw, type)
but got the following error:
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Cannot construct instance of `JsonDataClassHolder` (no Creators, like default construct, exist): abstract types either need to be mapped to concrete types, have custom deserializer, or contain additional type information
An example of how I'd like to call this function might be:
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private data class CoolJson(
            val status: String
        ) : JsonDataClassHolder

findProfile<CoolJson>("""{'status': 'cool'""")
I liked how I only needed to pass the type as a type parameter versus in my working example as a function variable. I guess the kotlin way would be to make the reified inline, but i would like to avoid that as well in this case.