Hello everybody, I had some `Syntax highlighting h...
# detekt
Hello everybody, I had some
Syntax highlighting has been temporarily turned off because of an internal error
And it seems like the IDE is blaming the detekt plugin (2.0.0)
2023-07-31 092626,307 [92094315] SEVERE - #c.i.p.s.StubProcessingHelperBase - Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 Canary 14 Build #AI-231.9225.16.2311.10533651
2023-07-31 092626,307 [92094315] SEVERE - #c.i.p.s.StubProcessingHelperBase - JDK: 17.0.7; VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM; Vendor: JetBrains s.r.o.
2023-07-31 092626,307 [92094315] SEVERE - #c.i.p.s.StubProcessingHelperBase - OS: Mac OS X
2023-07-31 092626,307 [92094315] SEVERE - #c.i.p.s.StubProcessingHelperBase - Plugin to blame: detekt version: 2.0.0
2023-07-31 092626,307 [92094315] INFO - #c.i.p.s.StubIndexImpl - data for org.jetbrains.kotlin.idea.stubindex.KotlinFullClassNameIndex will be wiped for a some files because of internal stub processing error
2023-07-31 092626,439 [92094447] SEVERE - #c.i.p.s.StubTreeLoaderImpl - Outdated stub in index: file:///Users/davide/Dev/Projects/blablabla/BlaBlabla.kt indexing timestamp = 1690788343459, binary = false, byte size = 1856, char size = 1856, doc=DocumentImpl[file:///Users/davide/Dev/Projects/blablabla/Blablabla.kt], docSaved=true, wasIndexedAlready=true, queried at 1690788343459
doc length=1936
file length=1936
cached PSI class org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtFile
PSI length=1936
projects with file: 1
physical file exists; length = 1936
And others, like
PSI and index do not match.
Has anybody faced this?