hey all, I have this task for detekt: ```apply p...
# detekt
hey all, I have this task for detekt:
Copy code
apply plugin: 'io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt'

def projectSource = file(projectDir)
def configFile = files("${rootProject.projectDir}/config/detekt/detekt.yml")
def baselineFile = file("${rootProject.projectDir}/config/detekt/baseline.xml")
def kotlinFiles = "**/*.kt"
def resourceFiles = "**/resources/**"
def buildFiles = "**/build/**"

tasks.register("detektAll", Detekt) {
    description = "Custom DETEKT build for all modules"
    parallel = true
    ignoreFailures = false
    autoCorrect = false
    buildUponDefaultConfig = true
    exclude(resourceFiles, buildFiles)
    reports {
And I have a dependency on the detekt plugin formatting
. However when I run the task with
./gradlew detektAll --auto-correct
./gradlew detektAll -PdetektAutoFix=true
I'm getting errors such as:
Copy code
./gradlew detektAll --auto-correct
Configuration on demand is an incubating feature.
> Task :detektAll FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':detektAll'.
> java.lang.IllegalStateException:        Analyzing /Users/myuser/Developer/myandroidapp/app/src/test/java/package/uk/presentation/screens/TagsInputProcessorTest.kt led to an exception.
         Location: java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.encodeThrowable(CompletableFuture.java:315)
         The original exception message was: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Stack should be empty:
  IndentContext(fromASTNode=Element(kotlin.FILE), toASTNode=PsiWhiteSpace, nodeIndent=, firstChildIndent=, childIndent=, lastChildIndent=, activated=true)
  IndentContext(fromASTNode=Element(CLASS), toASTNode=PsiElement(RBRACE), nodeIndent=, firstChildIndent=, childIndent=, lastChildIndent=, activated=false)
  IndentContext(fromASTNode=Element(CLASS_BODY), toASTNode=PsiElement(RBRACE), nodeIndent=, firstChildIndent=    , childIndent=    , lastChildIndent=, activated=false)
  IndentContext(fromASTNode=PsiElement(LBRACE), toASTNode=PsiElement(RBRACE), nodeIndent=, firstChildIndent=, childIndent=    , lastChildIndent=, activated=true)
  IndentContext(fromASTNode=BLOCK, toASTNode=PsiElement(RBRACE), nodeIndent=    , firstChildIndent=    , childIndent=    , lastChildIndent=    , activated=false)
  IndentContext(fromASTNode=Element(FUN), toASTNode=PsiElement(RPAR), nodeIndent=    , firstChildIndent=, childIndent=, lastChildIndent=, activated=true)
  IndentContext(fromASTNode=BLOCK, toASTNode=PsiElement(RBRACE), nodeIndent=    , firstChildIndent=    , childIndent=    , lastChildIndent=    , activated=false)
  IndentContext(fromASTNode=Element(FUN), toASTNode=PsiElement(RPAR), nodeIndent=    , firstChildIndent=, childIndent=, lastChildIndent=, activated=true)
  IndentContext(fromASTNode=BLOCK, toASTNode=PsiElement(RBRACE), nodeIndent=    , firstChildIndent=    , childIndent=    , lastChildIndent=    , activated=false)
  IndentContext(fromASTNode=Element(FUN), toASTNode=PsiElement(RPAR), nodeIndent=    , firstChildIndent=, childIndent=, lastChildIndent=, activated=true)
  IndentContext(fromASTNode=BLOCK, toASTNode=PsiElement(RBRACE), nodeIndent=    , firstChildIndent=    , childIndent=    , lastChildIndent=    , activated=false)
  IndentContext(fromASTNode=Element(FUN), toASTNode=PsiElement(RPAR), nodeIndent=    , firstChildIndent=, childIndent=, lastChildIndent=, activated=true)
         Running detekt '1.23.0' on Java '17.0.6+10' on OS 'Mac OS X'
         If the exception message does not help, please feel free to create an issue on our GitHub page.
If you disable parallelization do you still get the error? When I've seen a similar error, I've attributed it to one rule modifying a file as another processes it. Never had a reliable reproduction though, or more than a guess, to open an issue
let me check
I just set
and I'm still getting the same
I'm really struggling with detekt and the autoCorrect