Hello Folks, :wave::skin-tone-4: I was hoping to ...
# ktor
Hello Folks, 👋🏽 I was hoping to get any advice regarding the plugin
. I was trying to create a mechanism to retry on ConnectionTimeoutException, more specifically like:
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install(HttpRequestRetry) {
            maxRetries = 5
            retryOnExceptionIf() { _, cause ->
                cause is ConnectTimeoutException
However, from what I can tell, it never retries and it fails immediately, even though the endpoint is returning ConnectionTimeoutException. I noticed a couple of issues reported: Issue_1, Issue_2 and I thought that it could be related since I'm also making usage of
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install(HttpTimeout) {
            requestTimeoutMillis = 30_000
            connectTimeoutMillis = 10_000
As part of the tests, I also tried to replace
but no success. Would any of you be able to kindly provide any insights on the why it does not work? Any help is greatly appreciated.
You can use the following configuration to retry on the connection timeout:
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install(HttpRequestRetry) {
    maxRetries = 5
    retryOnException(5, true) // this line configures retrying on ConnectTimeoutException
You're correct. I tried using that on Ktor 2.3.6, and for some reason it never retries... it fails immediately.
Just to add a little bit more of context, this is how it is currently configured, for example:
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get("/route") {
            runCatching {
            }.onFailure {
            }.onSuccess {
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suspend fun doSomething() {
        createFlowToDoSomething().retry(5) {
            logger.warn("Failed to create flow. :(")
            it is IllegalStateException
//If I add it is ConnectionTimetoutException, the retries work... But not from the CIOEngine.

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private fun createFlowToDoSomething() : Flow<Unit> {
        return flow<Unit> {
            val result =
                MyKtorCIOHTTPClient.sendRequestToServer() //If the request fail with ConnectionTimeout, it is not retried.
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//This is how I'm trying to force the ConnectionTimeoutException to be thrown. (Test purposes of course)
    suspend fun sendRequestToServer () {
         throw ConnectTimeoutException("dummy_url")
The HTTP Client it is currently configured as:
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private val client = HttpClient(CIO) {
        expectSuccess = true

        engine {
            endpoint {
                maxConnectionsPerRoute = 500
        install(HttpRequestRetry) {
            maxRetries = 5
            retryOnException(5, true) // this line configures retrying on ConnectTimeoutException
            <http://logger.info|logger.info>("Finished retry")
        install(ContentNegotiation) {
            json(Json {
                ignoreUnknownKeys = true
        install(HttpTimeout) {
            requestTimeoutMillis = 30_000
            connectTimeoutMillis = 10_000

        defaultRequest {
            url {
                protocol = myHost.protocol
                port = myHost.port
                host = myHost.host
            headers {
                append("Authorization", "Bearer $adminToken")
Any suggestion by any chance? 😞
So did the
retryOnException(5, true)
line make any difference? How do you reproduce the connection timeout? Does it work without any other plugins?
So, how I was trying to reproduce the ConnectionTimeout was like that:
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//This is how I'm trying to force the ConnectionTimeoutException to be thrown. (Test purposes of course)
    suspend fun sendRequestToServer () {
         throw ConnectTimeoutException("dummy_url")
The line you suggested made no difference. In fact, as I mentioned (I tried using the
, but it didn't make any difference. 😞
The problem might be in the test. Can you reproduce the problem by sending the request to a non-routable IP address (
I can give it a shot. One second... Trying to creating a minor app to reproduce the problem.
Interesting @Aleksei Tirman [JB], apparently it worked... 🤔 Would you be able to kindly explain what the test does that make it wrong? Is it because it is not running in a coroutine and it only throws the ConnectionTimeout? At least on the sample I did here. I will try tomorrow to see how it works in the real application though.
Just another quick follow-up on this... Is it expected that after the
, the request still waits for a response? And the RequestTimeout is also triggered... does it means we need to handle the cancelation as well? Just trying to understand the behaviour... I understand the retries, but what about those HttpTimeouts?
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2023-11-28 20:47:21.349 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-1] TRACE i.ktor.client.plugins.HttpPlainText - Adding Accept-Charset=UTF-8 to <>
2023-11-28 20:47:25.891 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-1] TRACE i.k.client.plugins.HttpRequestRetry - Retrying request <> attempt: 1
2023-11-28 20:47:32.862 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-4] TRACE i.k.client.plugins.HttpRequestRetry - Retrying request <> attempt: 2
2023-11-28 20:47:43.590 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-2] TRACE i.k.client.plugins.HttpRequestRetry - Retrying request <> attempt: 3
2023-11-28 20:47:51.356 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-4] TRACE io.ktor.client.plugins.HttpTimeout - Request timeout: <>
2023-11-28 20:47:55.891 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-4] TRACE io.ktor.client.plugins.HttpTimeout - Request timeout: <>
2023-11-28 20:48:02.537 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-4] TRACE i.k.client.plugins.HttpRequestRetry - Retrying request <> attempt: 4
2023-11-28 20:48:02.864 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-4] TRACE io.ktor.client.plugins.HttpTimeout - Request timeout: <>
2023-11-28 20:48:13.591 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-3] TRACE io.ktor.client.plugins.HttpTimeout - Request timeout: <>
2023-11-28 20:48:32.540 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-5] TRACE io.ktor.client.plugins.HttpTimeout - Request timeout: <>
2023-11-28 20:48:36.875 [DefaultDispatcher-worker-3] TRACE i.k.client.plugins.HttpRequestRetry - Retrying request <> attempt: 5
What do you mean by "the request still waits for a response?"?
Based on the logs you cam see that the request time-out of 30s seems to be respected. I thought that after the 10s Connection Time-out the request would probably be cancelled?
It must be cancelled. How do you know it isn't?
I was checking the log time of those traces.
I have 30s delay in my request timeout and an extra 3s. That's why you should see ~33s.