Hey folks, Under what circumstances would you con...
# ktor
Hey folks, Under what circumstances would you consider a full server application rewrite from Ktor Server to Spring Boot? Are there any situations where this makes sense?
Well, Spring Boot offers an ecosystem of technologies that integrates quite smoothly. On the other end, it's an elephant for the memory footprint if compared to Ktor. Ktor, on the other hand, follows a less automagical approach, and it's lighter than Spring Boot.
In my opinion, the complete rewrite makes sense only when the future benefit of the new solution outweighs the rewrite cost.
Playing it pretty safe with that answer Aleksei 😅
Reason I ask is some consultants at my mates work are recommending the Ktor codebase be migrated to Spring Boot as a high priority
So the consultants should point out their reasons (the circumstances you were asking for). Otherwise the top priority would be to replace those "consultants".