Gradle Composite support is a very important part ...
# fleet
Gradle Composite support is a very important part of my company's workflows; since we often develop in-house library projects in tandem with Applications. This includes within Kotlin Multiplatform projects - which relatively recently gained support, to our great joy. However, Gradle Composite doesn't appear to be supported in Fleet at all. Is this on the radar?
To illustrate, one of our application's repos may look like this:
Copy code
is a Git submodule that brings in an otherwise standalone library repo project at this location.
is an App project that refers to library only by its regular maven coordinate (e.g.
is a very tiny Gradle project that just has in its settings KTS:
Copy code
This setup affords the flexibility to develop the library and app in the same workspace or each one independently with no configuration changes. It's a great productivity boost to be able to perform refactorings across App and Library simultaneously.
Hi Chris. Could you clarify, please, what error you are getting in Fleet?