Is there any way to update the translationX before...
# compose
Is there any way to update the translationX before launching an animation? I have a segmented button that might be deselected, so if I go from the deselected state to selected state I'd like to first move the indicator behind the button, then launch a scale animation.
Copy code
var visible by remember {
var toggled by remember {

val scale by animateFloatAsState(targetValue = if (visible) 1f else 0f)
val offsetTarget = if (toggled) {
    IntOffset(xPx, 0)
} else {
val offset by animateIntOffsetAsState(
    targetValue = offsetTarget,
    label = "offset",
    animationSpec = spring(
        dampingRatio = Spring.DampingRatioMediumBouncy,
        stiffness = Spring.StiffnessMedium
Box(modifier = Modifier
    .graphicsLayer {
        scaleX = scale
        scaleY = scale
        translationX = offset.x.toFloat()
        translationY = offset.y.toFloat()
    .width(maxWidth / 2)
I am simply combining scale and offset, but I need to be able to disable the translationX animation when I go from the invisible to visible state
otherwise it should animate
Would something like this work for you (I haven't been able to test it so not fully sure)?
Copy code
var visible by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }
    var toggled by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }

    val scale = remember { Animatable(0f) }
    val offset = remember { Animatable(IntOffset.Zero, IntOffset.Zero) }

    LaunchedEffect(visible) {
            targetValue = if (visible) 1f else 0f,

    LaunchedEffect(toggled) {
        if (toggled && !visible) {
            // Immediately set offset if visible is set to false
            offset.snapTo(IntOffset(xPx, 0))
        } else {
                targetValue = if (toggled) IntOffset(xPx, 0) else IntOffset.Zero,
                animationSpec = spring(
                    dampingRatio = Spring.DampingRatioMediumBouncy,
                    stiffness = Spring.StiffnessMedium

    Box(modifier = Modifier
    .graphicsLayer {
        scaleX = scale.value
        scaleY = scale.value
        translationX = offset.value.x.toFloat()
        translationY = offset.value.y.toFloat()
    .width(maxWidth / 2)
Yup! Using animatable was the way to go. Thanks! 🙇