Is it possible to have partial inference? I've got...
# getting-started
Is it possible to have partial inference? I've got something like:
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inline fun <K, reified V> Map<out K, *>.filterValueIsInstance(): Map<K, V>
and it needs to be called like this:
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mapOf('i' to 1, 'j' to 2, 'l' to 3L, 's' to 4.toShort()).filterValueIsInstance<Char, Int>()  // == mapOf('i' to 1, 'j' to 2)
Is it possible to define it in such a way that the compiler infers what type the keys are, and just needs the target type, like this:
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mapOf('i' to 1, 'j' to 2, 'l' to 3L, 's' to 4.toShort()).filterValueIsInstance<Int>()  // == mapOf('i' to 1, 'j' to 2)
The only way is creating a
which has only a type parameter. Have you tried something like
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inline fun <reified V> Map<*, *>.filterValueIsInstance(): Map<*, V>
I wish that was possible. The closest you can get is:
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myMap.filterValueIsInstance<_, Int>()
thank you color 1
You can do:
inline fun <K, reified V : Any> Map<out K, *>.filterValueIsInstance(c: KClass<V>): Map<K, V>
And then call it like:
mapOf('i' to 1, 'j' to 2, 'l' to 3L, 's' to 4.toShort()).filterValueIsInstance(Int::class)
I'm not a big fan of this syntax but don't think there is a better alternative.
Interesting, thanks. And if you have a default parameter value –
(c: KClass<V> = V::class)
– then the caller has a choice of syntax. 😀
🙌 1
If you do it that way, then you might want to use a lighter-weight way to carry around the type. I've used this pattern before the
existed for inferring type arguments:
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fun main() {
    mapOf('i' to 1, 'j' to 2, 'l' to 3L, 's' to 4.toShort()).filterValueIsInstance(type<Int>())
inline fun <K, reified V> Map<out K, *>.filterValueIsInstance(type: TypeWrapper<V> = type()): Map<K, V> = TODO()

sealed interface TypeWrapper<out T> {
    companion object IMPL: TypeWrapper<Nothing>

fun <T> type(): TypeWrapper<T> = TypeWrapper.IMPL
Why not just
@Javier because we want to preserve the key type of the map.
👍 1