Why do I get 'A function is marked as tail-recursi...
# getting-started
Why do I get 'A function is marked as tail-recursive but no tail calls are found' and 'Recursive call is not a tail call'? Is there a way to make this function work with tailrec?
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class Container(
    val name: String,
    val parent: Container?

// WARNING A function is marked as tail-recursive but no tail calls are found
tailrec fun Container.rootParent() : Container {
  return parent?.rootParent() // WARNING Recursive call is not a tail call
    ?: this
This version doesn't warn about it not having tail recursion:
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tailrec fun Container.rootParent() : Container {
    if (parent == null) return this
    return parent.rootParent()
Your original version is directly equivalent to this, which also warns about tail recursion, even though it knows (and warns about) the condition
rp == null
always being false.
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tailrec fun Container.rootParent() : Container {
    if (parent == null) return this
    val rp = parent.rootParent()
    if (rp == null) return this
    return rp
Interestingly, this also issues the warning:
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tailrec fun Container.rootParent() : Container {
    if (parent == null) return this
    val rp = parent.rootParent()
    return rp
But if you remove the
val rp
and return directly, it doesn't give the warning. Seems like a limitation in the compiler's capabilities.
nice, thanks!
This also appears to work:
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tailrec fun Container.rootParent():Container = if (parent == null) this else parent.rootParent()
Ironically, IntelliJ tells me that it can be replaced with
parent?.rootParent() ?: this
, but then the warning happens.
Also, avoiding tailrec, this would work:
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fun Container.rootParent() = generateSequence(this) { it.parent }.last()