Using <> as Auth ...
# multiplatform
Using as Auth data persistence. For iOS it saves into the Keychain which survives reinstallation of the app. Is there are a way for to configure its iOS part/keychain usage so it won't survive app uninstall? (We don't want to persist login data on uninstall)
Don't think you can configure it in that way, but you can save just some sort of encryption key in Keychain that you'd use for securing your items and store them in preferences, so they get erased on uninstall. Having unused keys in Keychain looks like a quite OK compromise solution.
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Or, if the goal is to prevent the restoration of logged-in state, you might salt the record with installation ID. If your current installation ID doesn't match the salt in the keychain, you got reinstalled. Keychain gets wiped.
Yes, that is the only goal. But my iOS experience is not a thing. I am doing this for the iOS installation of the vault:
Copy code
But that does persist the re-install