Hey, I'm not sure if I'm right on this, but I coul...
# fleet
Hey, I'm not sure if I'm right on this, but I could've sworn Swift -> Kotlin and Kotlin -> Swift code navigation worked fine both ways before. Previously I could cmd+click on a Kotlin interface and go to the Swift implementation. It doesn't work anymore, and the hints don't even recognize the Swift implementation again. It still works the other way around though. This interface has two implementations not one. Fleet version: build 1.27.192 OS: Mac OS X (13.4.1, aarch64) I think it was also happening on 1.26
Hi! I’m sorry you are having issues with this, we tried reproducing the issue but can’t so far. Could you please create a ticket in the Fleet YouTrack where could you please add logs, and if it’s possible the project/a smaller repro? Thanks!
Hey, thanks for replying. I tried it again today and it works just as expected. I'm not sure what changed - maybe a rebuild, some push to git, reopening the project again, etc., but it's fine now. Going forward, I'll ensure I do a more complete set of tests or fix attempts before raising an issue. Thank you.
Thank you for the swift reply, I’m glad it works now! Have a nice day!
thank you color 1