for those who might be interested in learning abou...
# compiler
for those who might be interested in learning about the FIR tree of a piece of code, I've built a small plug-in (unfortunately it only works on the very latest 2023.3 because of the available APIs)
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Awesome! Thank you Alejandro, it will be useful.
thank you color 1
Very cool and super helpful. Thank you Alejandro!
That's amazing it's exactly what I needed. Thank you!
Looks very nice! Is there any configuration required to trigger it? I opened the side panel from the plugin and it just says "nothing to show".
you may be affected from a bug which happens on "complex" code; I've released a 0.1.3 version and it should work
(otherwise feel free to look at the diagnostics thrown in IDEA and open an issue in the repo)
What Android Studio is it compatible with? I get this: Not compatible with the version of your running IDE (Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1)Compatible with IntelliJ IDEA (Ultimate, Community), Android Studio, AppCode, Aqua, CLion, Code With Me Guest, DataGrip, DataSpell, GoLand, JetBrains Client, JetBrains Gateway, MPS, PhpStorm, PyCharm (Professional, Community), Rider, RubyMine, RustRover, WebStorm
none of them, as Android Studio lags behind IntelliJ IDEA; you need at least 2024.1 to run the plugin