Hi. I sit possible to somehow create a new project...
# multiplatform
Hi. I sit possible to somehow create a new project in Fleet? I wanted to try KMP in Fleet, but I don’t see any options to create anything there - just opening an existing project. Do I have to first create a KMP project in IntelliJ and then open it in Fleet?
I think for now the best way to generate a project is using the wizard https://kmp.jetbrains.com/
Thanks. But that doesn’t have many options - I think it can only generate an app…
I'm not sure what do you mean by many options, it sets up many things for you, except libraries
Yeh, i can see it creates an app but not a KMP library.
Basically your project is a library itself but with specific configuration so that it can be run
I've attempted to use fleet quite a bit, but gave up on it currently because the latest versions simply do an infuriating infinite loop of indexing and gradle builds for me. Unfortunately I'm back stuck in appcode balancing an XCode / OS version way past the support range of app code and having to use XCode to run on devices because app code won't detect devices. I can't wait till jetbrains focuses on one tool long enough to get multiplatform mobile development stable. It will get there and its no doubt a complex balancing act, but developing an entirely new IDE and getting KMP support right are probably not two challenges I would take on at the same time regardless of team size. That said, it is all coming together and I absolutely respect the size of the challenge jetbrains is taking on with their fantastic team.
I agree, Fleet isn't ready for iOS development, I frequently had to open XCode 🥲
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