Are there any proposals for variadic type paramete...
# language-proposals
Are there any proposals for variadic type parameters? Along the lines of
fun <...Types> doThing(block: (Types...)->Unit, args: Types...){ block(*args) }
How do you use it? How should the compiler check the erased generics at runtime?
This use case is usually solved by creating overloads with the number of types you need
It’s boilerplate but variadic types is a bit of a niche use case
I'm only asking if there was a proposal for it, not suggesting it would be easy and that there are no other alternatives 😉
The one use-case that is common is for N length Tuples.
Ok that I don’t know
There is only an issue for now: Feel free to drop your use-case there. Variadic generics could be a really nice extension of the language, it's a natural generalisation of our
functions. However, variadic generics require support of tuples as well, or "multiple returns", so we're kind of limited right now on JVM. We even had a small prototype in the language a few years ago. Here is an [example]([…]5f302fea0536d44d0R319) of variadic generics in kotlinx.corourintes