```c++ // deriv_VirtualFunctions2.cpp // compile w...
# language-proposals
Copy code
// deriv_VirtualFunctions2.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Base {
  virtual void NameOf();  // Virtual function.
  void InvokingClass();  // Nonvirtual function.

// Implement the two functions.
void Base::NameOf() {
  cout << "Base::NameOf\n";

void Base::InvokingClass() {
  cout << "Invoked by Base\n";

class Derived : public Base {
  void NameOf();  // Virtual function.
  void InvokingClass();  // Nonvirtual function.

// Implement the two functions.
void Derived::NameOf() {
  cout << "Derived::NameOf\n";

void Derived::InvokingClass() {
  cout << "Invoked by Derived\n";

int main() {
  // Declare an object of type Derived.
  Derived aDerived;

  // Declare two pointers, one of type Derived * and the other
  // of type Base *, and initialize them to point to aDerived.
  Derived *pDerived = &aDerived;
  Base  *pBase  = &aDerived;

  // Call the functions.
  pBase->NameOf();      // Call virtual function.
  pBase->InvokingClass();  // Call nonvirtual function.
  pDerived->NameOf();    // Call virtual function.
  pDerived->InvokingClass(); // Call nonvirtual function.
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