I'm using google truth for test assertions. Is my ...
# random
I'm using google truth for test assertions. Is my googling failing me, or is there no way to "fail" a test?
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when (val foo = something) {
    is One -> fail() <===== I just want to fail if foo is of type One
    is Two -> assertThat(bar).isNotEmpty()
    null -> TODO()
not that I use truth, but does not https://github.com/google/truth/issues/351 work? otherwise just go hacking mode, assert true is false with a custom message 🤷
nope. no dice. I guess assert true is false it is... lmao
there is
, but I like hacks 😄
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import com.google.common.truth.Truth

Truth.assert_().withMessage("something something").fail()
though it prints the message twice to me
🤯 2
You could always just use JUnit's fail().
👍 2
👍🏾 1