You can access a reference to a function using `::...
# getting-started
You can access a reference to a function using
. Is there a reason why this wasn't chosen as the notation for referencing a class itself rather than an instance, as opposed to having to do
Pretty sure
references `Foo`'s constructor
Which is good to keep consistency between constructors and factory function; constructors don't need to be special on the caller side (e.g. no
Can I perform a runtime check on that to see if an instance was built with that constructor
Copy code
val thing = Foo()
fun<T: Foo> isInstance(ctor: () => T) {
  return thing is ctor

i prefer ::Foo much more than Foo::class
maybe I could do
Copy code
return thing::class.constructor is ctor
something like that
I'd say just use reified type params instead of
Copy code
inline fun <reified T> Any?.isInstance() = this is T

val thing = Foo()
Does that do anything in the runtime though? or is it just a type assertion
my real use case filters through a list and returns all who are instances
also, it is a vararg function. I would like to be able to ask if an object is multiple instances at once. possible?
my real use case filters through a list and returns all who are instances
Then there is already
. If your use case slightly different, you can look at its implementation
Yeah but this needs to be a helper method that delegates to taht
entity.get(::Foo) should internally call filterIsInstance
so I don't have to do entity.components.filterIsInstance<T>() - that is verbose
it should work... ill try
Then use a reified type argument in your helper function, and you can achieve the same effect as Youssef mentioned
The usual approach is to have a function taking parameters of type
and write an inline reified wrapper on top
It can be a vararg of
and then a few inline reified wrappers taking 1, 2, 3, 4 type parameters.
But your use case with multiple type checks is a bit strange. If you need to type check multiple things, it should be for a reason, and this reason is probably sufficient to make a supertype for those. Otherwise the check doesn't bring any extra type safety on the results