hi, I keep getting this error when building my mul...
# multiplatform
hi, I keep getting this error when building my multiplatform library.
is an expect class that already implemented on
. code in thread 🧵
Copy code
> Task :bindable-lib:compileDebugKotlinAndroid FAILED
e: file:///xxxx/bindable/bindable-lib/src/commonMain/kotlin/moe/ganen/bindable/WeakReference.kt:3:21 Expected class 'WeakReference' has no actual declaration in module <bindable-lib_debug> for JVM

> Task :bindable-lib:compileReleaseKotlinAndroid FAILED
e: file:///xxxx/bindable/bindable-lib/src/commonMain/kotlin/moe/ganen/bindable/WeakReference.kt:3:21 Expected class 'WeakReference' has no actual declaration in module <bindable-lib_release> for JVM
expect declaration
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public expect class WeakReference<T : Any>(referred: T) {
    public fun clear()

    public fun get(): T?
actual declaration on
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public actual class WeakReference<T : Any> actual constructor(referred: T) : WeakReference<T>(referred)
also to put in context, I'm targeting jvm and android sourceset only
Both are independent source sets
You need to add the actual to android one too, or add a shared folder to both source sets
👍 1
aha, I thought you don't need to declare the actual on Android set since the IDE only ask actual on
. adding the actual implementation on Android fixed it. thank you