for smart only, I have this implementation to Auth...
# multiplatform
for smart only, I have this implementation to AuthenticationPort
Copy code
class AuthenticationAdapter: AuthenticationPort {
func __signIn(parameterName: String) async throws -> Result2<Auth0User, shared.AuthenticationError> {
    do {
      let credentials = try await Auth0.webAuth()
        .scope("openid profile email offline_access read:current_user update:current_user_metadata")
        .audience("https://" + clientInfo.domain + "/api/v2/")

Is there any benefits of using SKIE like concurrency , and do we need to ask Task {} the function call from kotlin @kevin.cianfarini @russhwolf
I dont use SKIE and I barely know swift. Why was I tagged on this?
I tought you Kevin Galligan the creator of skia sorry
Hi, @kpgalligan is the real Kevin Galligan 😉
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SKIE will help with cancellation, yes you will need Task AFAIK for calling a suspend function. I'm not familiar with AuthenticationPort, where are you getting the code?
thank you , just asking about 1. overriding suspend fun in swift 2. call overridden function from kotlin how kotlin is going to handle this
Whoa. I can ask my team when they are back tomorrow. My guess is it's going to call the original function.
thank you ☺️
If you have a reproducing repo, that will be super helpful in guiding them to help you
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1. overriding suspend fun in swift
2. call overridden function from kotlin
This is a @Tadeas Kriz question for sure. Suspend functions in SKIE are different than the default ones that the Kotlin compiler produces, and I don't know how overriding them in Swift would be handed in the SKIE context.
thank you color 2
@Tadeas Kriz thank you , does SKIE add any concurrency benefits or main thread safety ?
SKIE adds support for calling Kotlin
functions from any Swift thread, so you no longer need
for those call and can call Kotlin
functions like any other Swift
functions. I'm not sure what you mean by "main thread safety"?
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is there ant workaround rather than "This limitation can be solved without SKIE by passing a special configuration flag to the compiler" to remove @MainActor
might not be what you want. It depends on the semantics of your Swift code. If you decide you don't need
, you can either pass in the flag to the compiler, or use SKIE. SKIE also give you cancelation support when calling Kotlin
from Swift.
🙌 1
Thank you so much