We have a mix of reactor types (Mono/Flux) and Kot...
# coroutines
We have a mix of reactor types (Mono/Flux) and Kotlin Flow<> types in our codebase, and trying to standardize on one. Is there anything in Flow<> that can be used to indicate "This returns a single item" as a Mono does?
is conceptually equivalent to a suspending function which returns a single value.
Yeah ... but when we're doing things like serialization, the difference becomes important. Flow appears to always be serialized as an array - wheras a Mono indicates that the item should be serialized as an object.
I’m not sure of your specific use case and I don’t know Mono/Flux. I find it surprising that you’re serializing types meant to facilitate asynchronous computation, though.
This is a pretty common use-case:
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fun getCustomer(id:String):Mono<Customer>
It returns exactly one Customer, so is serialized to JSON as
{ ... }
The equivalent on Flow would be:
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fun getCustomer(id:String):Flow<Customer>
Which serializes as
[ { ... } ]
, which isn't what we need to return.
Not using a Flow. For syntactically and semantically indicating one async/emitted item, use a suspend function.
I am unsure if there’s more native integrations than this, but you’ll likely want to use the mono builder for this. https://kotlinlang.org/api/kotlinx.coroutines/kotlinx-coroutines-reactor/kotlinx.coroutines.reactor/mono.html
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fun getCustomer(id:String):Mono<Customer> = mono {
I presume this is Spring webflux integration. They may have native support for declaring suspending
functions so you don’t have to use the mono builder everywhere
It looks like they do if you toggle the
section on these docs https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/reference/web/webflux-functional.html
Copy code
val route = coRouter { 
	accept(APPLICATION_JSON).nest {
		GET("/person/{id}", handler::getPerson)
		GET("/person", handler::listPeople)
	POST("/person", handler::createPerson)

class PersonHandler(private val repository: PersonRepository) {

	// ...

	suspend fun listPeople(request: ServerRequest): ServerResponse {
		// ...

	suspend fun createPerson(request: ServerRequest): ServerResponse {
		// ...

	suspend fun getPerson(request: ServerRequest): ServerResponse {
		// ...
Thanks Kevin / Anton.
👍 1