Why is the Job passed to context of launch not res...
# coroutines
Why is the Job passed to context of launch not respected? Approach 1:-
Copy code
viewModelScope.launch(coroutineExceptionHandler) {
    supervisorScope {
        for (i in 0..10) {
            launch {
                delay(i * 1000L)
                throw RuntimeException("abc")
Here in Exception Handler all 10 exceptions are recorded. Approach 2:-
Copy code
viewModelScope.launch(coroutineExceptionHandler+ SupervisorJob()) {
    for (i in 0..10) {
        launch {
            delay(i * 1000L)
            throw RuntimeException("def")
With this only one exception is recorded and rest are cancelled after first exception. Why is 1 and 2 works differently? Shouldn’t the parent Job used to create child jobs?
always creates a new job as the child of the job in its starting context. Passing a job as an argument to the launch function merely replaces its parent job, and is rarely if ever a useful thing to do.
☝️ 1
If that is the case then a nested launch should override SuperviserJob and just be a normal Job,Right?
_viewModelScope_._launch_(coroutineExceptionHandler) *{*
supervisorScope *{*
for (i in 0..10) {
_launch_ *{*
delay(i * 1000L)
_launch_ *{*
//This scope should not be Supervisor Job but it is
throw RuntimeException("def")
Above code still collects all the exceptions even though the launch throwing the exception is not directly part of supervisorScope