:billed_cap: :baseball: Don't let those runtime ex...
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🧒 ⚾ Don't let those runtime exceptions throw you a curveball - it's time to catch some knowledge about exception handling in Kotlin! Swing by https://typealias.com/start/kotlin-exceptions/ for Chapter 17 of Kotlin: An Illustrated Guide! (Okay, I'm all out of baseball/try-catch puns now... πŸ˜…)
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Although it is all known to me, that is some serious high quality content. Very nice
βž• 3
thank you color 1
This guide helped my trainee a lot! πŸ‘
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That is really clear, concise and well written. Love your "By The Way" blocks!
thank you color 1
It's a very good article. A minor comment: it would be good if it warned that
actually caught throwables, including Errors that shouldn't be caught. Well, it does, but not clearly enough. And an even more minor comment: when I saw the word "faucet" it interrupted my train of thought, as I went "faucet? What's a faucet? Oh yeah, it's American for tap!"
πŸ‘ 1
Thanks so much, everyone! @Klitos Kyriacou - Thanks for the comments! I'll take another look at the
section to see if I can make that point more prominent. I laughed when I read your comment about "faucet" - I try to keep the wording familiar for English-readers all over the globe, but I've got to confess - that one didn't even cross my mind! πŸ˜… I'll update that, too. Thanks!
No need to update the bit about the faucet, most people know what it is even if they call it "tap".
Haha, okay - tap should work fine in the US also, so either way is probably fine!
Your posts never cease to amaze me! It makes me want to be a junior again and let them be my first take onto these concepts πŸ‘πŸ»
Ah, thanks for saying that, @xoangon! I try hard to write them in a way that I would have wanted to learn when I started out! πŸ™‚
Your intention is clearly met! πŸ˜„ I've felt the pain of an steep entry curve for some of the great documentation/books out there. Even after reading them the first time, I had to go back because I was missing a lot of the concepts. Your robust step-by-step approach really pays off for tech new joiners on the long term
thank you color 1
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Now if you can write one the benefits of writing tests πŸ˜‰ then I can give that to every developer I know who doesn’t test.
😁 1
@xoangon Did you read Head First Kotlin?
No I didn't. My first book on Kotlin was Kotlin in Action, and it's an astonishingly great book! However, if I were back my journey, I think I'd choose Kotlin Essentials as my first Kotlin book. I read Kotlin Essentials after working quite a while with Kotlin and I've learnt some neat nuances still, such a great book! What's your take on Head First Kotlin? Do you feel like it can add some value for an experienced Kotlin developer @Stefan Oltmann?
The Head First series are great books for starters. Especially famous for Head First Design Patterns. So it's definitely worth a read. Kotlin in Action is really great, but not for beginners. It's directed at experienced Java Developers. I gave my trainee both, the Head First Kotlin and this guide.
You will see that the illustrated guide from it's concepts was inspired by the Head First books. That's a good thing. More books/guides should be like that.
There is a Head First Domain Driven Design, but somehow not available for buying. πŸ€” I miss a good book on that topic.