I can post a complete sample project, but I am hav...
# compose-android
I can post a complete sample project, but I am having some serious performance issues with animateFloatAsValue and LaunchedEffect with the float value as a key. Below is a concise example
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val angle: Float by animateFloatAsState(
        targetValue = if (animationRunning)
        else 0f,
        animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = SPIN_DURATION.toInt()),
        label = "AnimateWheel",

    LaunchedEffect(angle) {
Just setting an empty LaunchedEffect results in like 1000x slower animation
In the view system we had ValueAnimator.addUpdateListener which didn't appear to have any noticeable performance impact
Why are you restarting an entire LaunchedEffect (which has to cancel the previous work and then start a new coroutine eachtime) on basically every single frame? What are you trying to do inside that LaunchedEffect that needs to be re-run so often?
☝🏻 1
We vibrate the wheel to simulate a real spin wheel at particular rotations
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if (newAngle > nextVibrationAngle) {
                    nextVibrationAngle += sliceAngle
                    future = executor.submit {
                        context?.let { VibrationCompat.vibrate(it, EffectType.WHEEL_TICK) }
Here is the compose variant
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LaunchedEffect(angle) {
            if (angle > nextVibrationAngle) {
                nextVibrationAngle += sliceAngle
                job = launch {
                    context.let { VibrationCompat.vibrate(it, EffectType.WHEEL_TICK) }

                Log.d("WheelViewCompose", "Vibrating! $nextVibrationAngle")
this creates a truly immersive experience 😜
Will probably just switch to using a timing approach instead of observing the angle
Still concerning that an empty LaunchedEffect has such a significant performance impact
Ideally our APIs wouldn't lead you down this path, but that is a misuse of the LaunchedEffect API which is what Stylianos is saying. The way you have written it you are going to be creating and launching a coroutine on every frame because you are using
as a key
👆 2
Have a look at this example in the animation docs which is close to what you want https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/animation/value-based#targetbasedanimation
You probably want
as your key
Something like this will observe the value of angle and not relaunch on every frame
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LaunchedEffect(animationRunning) {
   if (animationRunning) {
      snapshotFlow { angle }.collect { angle ->
         // use angle
will give that a try - thank you ben
that worked - thank you Ben