Are there some limitations on what should be used ...
# compose-android
Are there some limitations on what should be used as keys for remember(...) ? I've been trying to remember on an argument that is an object that implements equals/hashCode. Luckily, the object happens to have a uuid as well. So if I use remember(myObject) { }, the inside of the closure does not run, even though the I have a log statement at the top of the composition that says the composition is running. BUT, if I change to access uuid as the remember() key, then things work.
Copy code
fun foo(bar:Bar ... ) {
    // this shows up every time the composition reruns with the parent changing the bar fed to it
    // this will show up on initial, but on subsequent recalls, will not fire
    var zork by remember(bar) { mutableStateOf(13).logged("simple") }
    // this fires every time that bar is different too
    var yak by remember(bar.uuid) { mutableStateOf(42).logged("derived") }
Does that object’s
take into account the
as part of its
I’m slightly confused by your snippet - it looks like
var zork by remember(bar.uuid)
var yak by remember(bar.uuid)
are the same
edited/fixed. sorry about that
👍 1
a mutable object?
“simple” should be logged if the previous
passed to
to the new
passed to
. But if the previous
and the new
are the same instance, because it is mutable, then the “previous”
and the “new”
are really the same
and are equal, even if the state inside (
) has changed.
the two bars are definitely !=. and they are not === either
bar is a stateful object that has mutating state embedded in it
(bar's equal method)
Copy code
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
    return (other is DeviceAbstract) && this.oid == other.oid && other.javaClass == this.javaClass
(oid is it's "uuid"; class check is because it's a polymorphic class heirarchy and oids can be the same between different leaf types)
In fact, it's simpler than all that. All I have to do is put this line in at the top of my function:
Copy code
var lastValue = remember(value) { value }
where value is my fungible object that I'm passing in. If I print lastValue, it will stick the first value ever used. If I change it to:
Copy code
var lastValue = remember(value.oid) { value }
then, it gets updated when value changes. So there must be some rules I'm supposed to use for "non primitive" things that get used in remember? I've glimpsed @Immutable and @Stable in some comment threads. Are they part of this puzzle? or something unrelated?
For grins, I marked my class as @Stable, and that seemed to fix it. My (guessed) lesson here is that remember( keys ) need to be stable which means they're either immutable collections, primitive types, or marked as @Stable. Hoping someone can clarify that. If so, I think that should be WAY added to the remember ( ) documentation about keys, which are just marked as Any.
(and I am curious if data classes are considered stable or not??)
Can we see your Bar class? There is something weird going on here
remember keys don't have to be stable. Remember just calls equals on the object that is saved in the slot table from the last invocation, and the current object being passed in. If they are not the same, it runs the lambda again.
Do you happen to have a default value in the composable declaration? Like
fun foo(bar: Bar = Bar())
data classes, like all classes, are considered stable based on whats inside them. If you have a
parameter, its not considered stable
What version of the compiler are you using and do you have strong skipping enabled?
All confusion here would have likely been solved already if we could look inside your Bar class, or better yet, you make a little reproducing project to look at 😊
if it behaves the way you describe, it sounds like a compiler/runtime bug if anything repro project would go a long way 🙂
Probably time to wrap this thread up. Thanks for all the replies. My original question was meant to be short/brief. It was basically "are there limitations on the Any" type that is used in a remember(key). Because I have a case in my code base where it seems to matter. @Ben Trengrove [G]’s second comment answers that: not by any intent. It's just supposed to be equal. I am still somewhat fuzzy on the role of @Stable and @Immutable. Are they synonymous? Or two different things? Should I be annotating all of my model objects that will be consumed with @Composable functions with these? To answer a few of the questions: • Compiler versions:
*kotlinCompilerExtensionVersion* = *"1.5.8"
id(*""*) _version_ *"1.9.22"* _apply_ *false*
, Studio =
Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 Patch 2
• I do not know if I have strong skipping enabled. Where/what flag would that be? • The type I am indicating as my compose function argument looks like:
Copy code
abstract class ValveAbstract(override val oid: TwigID) : DeviceAbstract() {
    var lock by mutableStateOf(ValvePosition.Unknown)
    var position by mutableStateOf(ValvePosition.Unknown)
    override var regions by mutableStateOf(emptyList<MappedRegion>())
actual instances passed in are of one of two concrete subclasses. The superclass indicated there looks like:
Copy code
abstract class DeviceAbstract : Comparable<DeviceAbstract>, NameSaveable {
    override var name by mutableStateOf<String?>(null)
It was annotating ValveAbstract as @Stable that made it behave as expected. • The only default parameter on the function where this is occuring is the usual modifier. It looks like:
Copy code
fun RunIntervalFooter(valve: ValveAbstract, plans: PlansRepo, modifier: Modifier = Modifier) { ... }
Since this didn't turn out to be a simple question with a simple answer, I'll attempt to extract and reduce to a repeatably easily shareable example. And come back with a new question about that if I can reproduce. Thanks for all of the comments and help.
Can you also share what uuid/oid is in your case?
typealias TwigID = UInt
This is somewhat interesting, it might be caused by a compiler optimization, as you mentioned that old
and new
on recompositions, so both remembers should trigger, but only the one with
does. I don't think
should have any effect on
, it only matters for skippable functions and lambda memoization. (also stable and immutable are the same, just documentation difference). You could try disabling intrinsic remember optimization which optimizes remember calls with a compiler parameter
See on how to set them