my class has a `val expensiveProperty: Foo? by laz...
# getting-started
my class has a
val expensiveProperty: Foo? by lazy { ... }
. I'd like to have it skipped by
serialization and deserialization. is this possible?
this gives me
Property does not have backing field which makes it non-serializable and therefore @Transient is redundant
but (and I could be wrong here!) I do observe this new lazy initializer getting called by serialization
on second glance, might be our own code interacting with this.
I think this should work
Copy code
class Bar {
    val expensiveProperty: Foo by lazy { Foo() }

data class Foo(val value : String = "")
fun main() {
    val bar = Json.decodeFromString<Bar>("""{}""")
    val barJson = Json.encodeToString(bar)
If you have a delegated field / field with a getter, it is already skipped by kotlinx serialization, so @Transient isn’t needed. You can just keep the code as it is and the property won’t be serialized
👍 1
yeah, that's what I gathered. so it must be our custom deserialization shenanigans