Anyone here who uses IdeaVim plugin in android stu...
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Anyone here who uses IdeaVim plugin in android studio, I need a help, basically I want to replace my escape key with Caps lock key? any help would be appreciated
What is your OS/display server? Here's a guide for macos:
sorry but I am using windows pc
It's been a long time since I don't use Windows, back then I used a very useful program called AutoHotKey. You can check the config I had here:
The cursor is blinking over 's' but when i enter the insert mode the cursor starts to write from the letter before 's' I hope you understand what I want to ask.. so how do you guys manage this?
Unless I'm misunderstanding, that's how vim works. You can press
(append) to start after the s.
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Woah thanks
One last question, does vim really make a big difference if we get familiar with it? I mean is it worth learning? If I am interested?
Everyone will have a different answer to that. Personally I could never go back, but I don't think it has necessarily sped me up. For me, not having to touch the mouse makes me more willing to make changes than I would be otherwise (b/c I'm lazy and don't want to move back and forth between the keyboard and mouse). Plus it's easy to create macros and plugins to do whatever you want it to do. You'll also find that many different programs have support for vim emulation, meaning you only have to learn one editor which you can use anywhere.
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A good place to get started is using the command line program
Everyone is talking about macros, it must be something really useful
I also don't want to touch mouse, I like to do everything just by keyboard
I am practicing it in android studio and when I think I have to do some serious work, I can just disable it