What is that thing called where it shows a coloure...
# random
What is that thing called where it shows a coloured circle around a button or a corner having a text which describes what does that button do.. when the user opens the app for the first time
Something like this may be
I want to implement something like this because my app is being rejected for this reason, any idea how can i fix this warning? Please help
The "big circle" thing was mentioned in Material UI 1 & 2 guidelines and was usually called a "feature discovery prompt", although I don't think there was ever an official implementation of it. There are a few third-party attempts like this one. The pattern has seemingly vanished from the Material UI 3 guidelines 🤷.
👍 1
I also don't want to use this but, my app is getting rejected and i don't know how can i get rid of that warning
If you're getting a content labelling warning from the accessibility report, it could well be because you need to provide a description for screenreaders
For each UI element in your app, include a description that describes the element's purpose. In most cases, you include this description in the element's
So it's probably not talking about visual changes
Doesn't the report include more details of what the problem is?
No it doesn't
that's the problem
This is all i have
Seems ironic that the report about app accessibility doesn't make the actual results of the report more accessible 😄🤦
Is there any way so that i can explain the testers about this issue?
Run the Android lint task, you should see the same issue there.
Is this a real rejection? My app also has some "warnings" like that I ignore. It still passes the actual review. The pre-launch report is just a helpful linter.
😅 1
I know, once I get to it I need to be a good citizen and set that
to every image and solve that touch target problem. 😄
Usually accessibility warnings don't get you rejections. Stability and performance errors do.
So that's the case.. Thank you so much guys