I'm trying to use bouncycastle for kotlin. I kinda...
# random
I'm trying to use bouncycastle for kotlin. I kinda feel like an idiot because i can't find what dependency i should drop into my build.gradle. lol. just me? https://github.com/bcgit/bc-kotlin
it isn't published. also I don't think it has kept up with bouncycastle anyway
BouncyCastle was great back in the old Java days, but is now a bit out of touch. Did you check if https://github.com/whyoleg/cryptography-kotlin may offer what you need?
partly it's an artifact of its time, yes (back then it was illegal to export anything being basic crypto from the US)
but nowadays you can find the main products of BC in Maven Central
not this limited Kotlin DSL though
Good they made their way to Maven Central. May previous product (Java) used (and still uses) BouncyCastle for X.509 certs for many years. It’s a great lib. But I felt to look for KMP after something that’s more from the ground up made for Kotlin.
yep. if you're on Java you're likely interoperating with JCA (which bouncycastle ties into) so you might as well use those types and not some Kotlin wrapper around a subset. or if you don't need to touch JCA, then use something like Tink for a better and maintained interface to crypto. if you're on multiplatform then BC isn't an option anyway.
👍 1
Tink has been decent to work with... but its proprietary wire formats are killing me.
Like Tink <> Tink is great. but tink java <> ios crypto lib has been terrible.