I am stuck here for a few days, I have implemented...
# random
I am stuck here for a few days, I have implemented everything correctly and i don't even see any double splash screen. I am not sure what's wrong or why am i getting that warning but my app won't get approved if i didn't fix that
Again, this is not the actual approval process. It’s just a linter report. As I said I got my app approved with many more warnings. This seems to be your first app. You need to send the app for review. Please watch a video on how to do it.
@Stefan Oltmann I sent it for review for closed testing and then i got this prelaunch report, this time it's stability issue that can be the reason for the rejection of the app.
You never got any actual rejection as you never had a review. The prelaunch report is fully automated.
You need to send it to production - this will require you send it in for review.
You mix some things up here.
but my app won't get approved if i didn't fix that
This is not true.
Alright, but i can't send it in production track unless it's get approved for the closed testing
Do it.
Closed testing will not be denied if your app is not scam or malicious.
Even open testing not.
Just the real production release will be a real review which can end up in a denial. But not for the issues you have in your prelaunch report.
but I can't upload it to the production track before i finish the testing process.. Aren't you aware of the google's new policies?
I'm aware of them. Yes, you will need to stay some time in the testing track until you qualify for production.
Not just to stay, you'll have to get your app tested by 20 testers(you will have to arrange these 20 testers) for 14 days then only you can apply for production release, but you can't get your app tested unless your app gets reviewed for the closed testing