To celebrate its rejection from the AppStore :tada...
# feed
To celebrate its rejection from the AppStore 🎉, here's my example production Compose Multiplatform app, with Github Actions pushing the app to Testflight on release tag (and to the AppStore… if only…). It still needs some work, for example a lot of tests, all kinds of tests. Feel free to check out how it works. I will myself use it to train colleagues on mobile development.
For those wondering, the rejection has nothing to do with the tech used:
👀 4
Sorry to hear that. I'm not entirely sure if that's justified, because there are many apps that are just better websites, but maybe they just stay there because this rule was put up later. 🤔
In this instance I think the tester just didn't test anything, they clicked on the first card in each view and reached a view which was kinda empty: the whole goal is to be able to know what movies you should watch before the one you selected to understand it, and they clicked on Iron Man, the first movie with no prerequisite 🙃 They also probably didn't realize the app is offline-first, and they also probably didn't see that you can mark movies as watched to track your cinematic journey
Honestly I don't care that much, the goals of the project are: • Have an open source production app, architectured like a production app, to be able to discuss architecture with the community • Have a smaller production app to train colleagues by making them add features to it • Implement a CI that can push builds to the AppStore/Testflight (and probably later to Google Play Store), which does not require the app to be accepted by the AppStore • Have a place where problems can be reproduced (in a branch for example) to easily make reproducers for Kotlin/Multiplatform/Native/Compose/etc. issues reporting
🎉 2
Seems like your app really should've qualified. I'll play devil's advocate briefly and just say though that maybe this is a sign that you should give users a bit more hand-holding upon first launch. I hate those launch screens as much as the next developer here, but sadly they're kinda needed for the average person to understand how to use your app and to help give them a "call to action" of sorts.
Honestly I feel like if I resubmit with some kind of explanation message it might be accepted. But I do understand the rejection though, the app is intentionally incomplete. I don't plan to have a userbase for this app, nor any kind of ads or paid features, which might be too obvious and maybe they don't like that too. Having a more user friendly first screen is one of the task I might make my "students" try to work on. I really just needed to prove I could push a build to the AppStore/Testflight using the CI, trying to get the app verified once that's done is more or less just a click
Apples reviews are also somewhat random. Another app of my company got rejected update 32 for a thing that was present since v1. So this has either been overlooked or tolerated by whoever got assigned to the first 31 reviews.