Hello community, I’m currently working on a Spring...
# spring
Hello community, I’m currently working on a Spring Boot web application with a traditional three-layer architecture: controller, service, and
for blocking calls. Due to certain limitations, adopting a fully reactive approach isn’t feasible at the moment. However, we are keen on finding a middle ground to improve performance through parallel calls. To achieve this, we are exploring Kotlin Coroutines(We have also explored CompletableFuture and @Asyc but not happy with it ). As a relative newcomer to coroutines, I’ve implemented a solution that seems to work, but I’m uncertain if it’s the optimal approach. Below is a simplified snippet of the current implementation:
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class Service(
    private val clientA: ClientA,
    private val clientB: ClientB,
    private val clientC: ClientC
) {

    fun someFunction(): OrderForm {
        runBlocking(RequestCoroutineContext()) {
            val result1 = async(Dispatchers.IO) { callA() }
            val result2 = async(Dispatchers.IO) { callB() }

            val result3 = async(Dispatchers.IO) { callC(result1.await()) }

            OrderForm(result1.await(), result2.await(), result3.await())

    private suspend fun callA() = clientA.get()

    private suspend fun callB() = clientB.get()

    private suspend fun callC(value: SomeType) = clientC.get(value)
Initially, the
methods were not marked as
, but I’m now considering moving towards making these calls suspendable to bring them closer to the client:
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class ClientA {
    suspend fun getA() {
        withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
            // blocking API call

class ClientB {
    suspend fun getB() {
        withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
            // blocking API call

class ClientC {
    suspend fun getC(value: SomeType) {
        withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
            // blocking API call
However, attempting to call these suspendable functions in
resulted in an exception
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Handler dispatch failed: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: kotlinx/coroutines/reactor/MonoKt","stack_trace":"jakarta.servlet.ServletException: Handler dispatch failed: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: kotlinx/coroutines/reactor/MonoKt
related to
NoClassDefFoundError: kotlinx/coroutines/reactor/MonoKt
. I suspect this may be due to the fact that the actual API calls are not reactive and suspendable. I’m seeking recommendations on the best way to handle coroutines in a single thread per request model with Spring Boot. I want to avoid marking private functions as suspended and continually wrapping code in scopes. Any insights or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
dependency should help with these errors.
Thanks @Robert Jaros for the reply. Yeah, I saw that somewhere, and they were mentioning that adding this was resulting in some undesired behaviour, and I just wanted to understand the reason behind it. and also do you have recommendations please?
Honestly, it's a bit weird having blocking controller running coroutines with
just to call blocking API with
. I'm not a Spring expert, but how could this improve performance? 🙂
It’s just offloading blocking API calls to separate lighter threads (at least that was my understanding), which allows you to run in parallel, I guess. I have run the performance test and see a little improvement as it was applied to part of the code. Having said that, I’m no expert, and I understand it’s not a recommended approach, but out of all the options explored, this seems to be easy to integrate with and doesn’t bloat like CompletableFutures, and we can’t go completely reactive for now 😞 and if i can ask you one more question using
async(<http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>) { callA() }
in context with
will use the spawned thread from async and doesn’t use its own pool right
BTW: You should be able to declare the IO dispatcher for the whole
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runBlocking(RequestCoroutineContext() + <http://Dispatchers.IO|Dispatchers.IO>) {
  val result1 = async { callA() }
gratitude thank you 1
If you are only after making the clinet calls in paralellel (and not actually achievning non-blocking calls) there's even no point in using suspend wrappers anywhere, since the underlying function is blocking anyway.
👍 1
What do you mean by "lighter threads"? Async calls launched with
use Java threads in the same way as
@Klitos Kyriacou Yes you are right , it was wrong terminology to use in this context
I recommend to take a look at


gratitude thank you 1
Using async for result3 is silly since you immediately await the result
The only thing it makes sense to async in the example is result2
@Jacob agreed to your point, but in actual code, that was not the case.