Spring with Hibernate ORM, or Exposed?
# spring
Spring with Hibernate ORM, or Exposed?
Anything but Hibernate... Spring with jOOQ is also nice.
👍 1
Working with Hibernate and we have tried once to move away. Went for Ktorm, but it seems to be unmaintained except for someone saying in GH Issues that the maintainers are planning a new release. Now we’re considering several alternatives combined with Spring: • jOOQ • Exposed (DSL, not DAO) • Spring Data JPA + nativeQueries • The new JdbcClient that came with Spring Framework 6.1.x
We moved our spring apps from data jpa to jooq recently and are quite happy with the level of flexibility and safety it gives us. I’ve used exposed for some small projects and have found it nice, but haven’t used it in a larger production setting and don’t really plan to since our team is happy with jooq.
I don't think hibernate with it's massive amount of mutable state fits with the more functional style typical of kotlin developers
Also hibernate team themselves don't seem to be spring data jpa fans.