what is the purpose of this two folders: - build/...
# ksp
what is the purpose of this two folders: • build/kspCaches/<source set>/logs/kspDirtySetByDeps.log • build/kspCaches/<source set>/logs/kspDirtySetByOutputs.log As I understand, the first one is used to list the dirty files according to input <-> output association, but what is the second one?
@Ting-Yuan Huang, may I ask you for help to understand it please
They are no longer used. Looks like you're using an outdated version.
Thank you
@Ting-Yuan Huang, I see this in the documentation: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/ksp-incremental.html#reporting-bugs
may I ask you what is the purpose of this folders?
It contains logs, which give us a better idea when trouble shooting.
👍 1