Hello everyone :) I need to add new method to main...
# getting-started
Hello everyone :) I need to add new method to maintain binary compatibility. I plan to use DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN for the old method. So when can I remove an old HIDDEN-method safely to save binary compatibility?
Well... never. If you remove a function, you're breaking compatibility. One way to do it is to make the change as part of a major version increment, so people know there might be breaking changes.
My library is internal and only projects and other libraries in my company can use it. Can I remove such hidden fun if all projects and other libraries of company will update to the latest version of my library?
Of course. Hidden functions are only useful to consumers that are running against a newer version of the code from the one they were compiled against. If you're in control of all your consumers, you can easily avoid that.
👍 1
Thanks a lot :)