I have this simple data class. What should I do to...
# getting-started
I have this simple data class. What should I do to make it possible to use jackson to (de)serialize from-to json? I'd prefer not to specify property names explicitly.
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data class MyClass  @JsonCreator constructor (
    var changedAt: Date,
    var from: Int,
    var to: Int,
    var percentChanged: Int,
    var levelUsed: Int,
Just to check—have you installed the Jackson Kotlin module?
If you have, I would expect data classes to work out of the box. You shouldn't even need the
If you're still having trouble, try #jackson-kotlin.
You mean this one?
👌 1
Without any annotation I get
These are the actual content of the classes
As well as adding the
dependency, it also needs to be registered when you create the object mapper. Maybe that's missing?
If you have something like
val mapper = jacksonObjectMapper()
, that's using the Kotlin module and you're good 👍. But if you just have
val mapper = ObjectMapper()
, with no extra Kotlin module being registered, that could definitely explain the issues you're seeing.
(Don't ask me why the functions are named that way, it's confusing to me too)
Yesss, that was it.
🙏 1
It's a spring boot project.
And I'm actually mapping jsonb fields from-to Map<String,Any> to data classes.
Hm, that's interesting, I would expect Spring boot to configure the Kotlin module by default in its injected object mapper. Though that wouldn't help if you're creating your own separate instance I suppose.
Is there a good pattern to do the conversion? Or is it possible to map to dataclasses the jsonb fields? Now I map myself through an extension method, but that kind of painful and I cannot access the ObjectMapper bean, since using it from a companion object.
I would do the conversion to Entity level, that's why I choose the extension method
Sure, if you're using a recent version of Spring Boot with Hibernate 6, you should be able to map JsonB fields directly to entity classes
I think you would use the
annotation, but I've not done it myself
Although it seems like there might be an open issue that stops it working totally seamlessly https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues/33870
What would be the JdbcTypeCode of that field?
Again, I'm guessing, but:
Oh, it works. Btw started converting an old java spring project to kotlin. Amazing how much boilerplate one can avoid 🤐
very nice 1
On the other hand, if the json is big, it can take quite a bit of time to parse it. Can one make it lazy?
you should (imo) almost never declared an object mapper bean yourself, spring boot configures it for you, check
you should need to define custom module and/or special configuration, eg if you want to configure the kotlin module:
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  fun kotlinModule(): KotlinModule = KotlinModule.Builder()
      .configure(KotlinFeature.NullIsSameAsDefault, enabled = true)
Huh, what does that Bean definition does? 🤔
tl;dr spring boot provides a lot of pluggable configurations, in case of jackson there are modules that you can add to customize the object mapper that spring creates for you. so
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fun objectMapper() = jacksonObjectMapper()
completely overrides the whole logic spring gives you to configure the object mapper flexibly: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/howto.html#howto.spring-mvc.customize-jackson-objectmapper
👍 1
also, personal preference, jackson is very smart on its own, I would rather do
, jackson will scan the classpath and preconfigure the object mapper accordingly