Hello mentors, I am a sophomore student from China...
# gsoc
Hello mentors, I am a sophomore student from China. I have been studying and practicing Android development. XML often makes me feel frustrated because I have to focus on the binding between layouts and data. The emergence of Jetpack Compose is very impressive; it is quite modern. I have already tried using it in my own project. During this time, I also learned about Compose Multiplatform, which allows for developing for multiple platforms using Kotlin. This sounds very cool to me. I enjoy the programming experience that Kotlin provides, and I want to learn more and become proficient in using it. Therefore, among the various Kotlin plans, I am interested in learning more details about the Compose Multiplatform component gallery generator and applying to contribute to it. This is my first time preparing to participate in GSoC. As mentioned above, I am interested in applying to contribute to the Compose Multiplatform component gallery generator. However, I am unsure where to start. I would like to learn more information about this proposal to help me write my application proposal.
👋 3