I'm trying to create a class with some fields of a...
# getting-started
I'm trying to create a class with some fields of a type that should only be constructed when those fields are initialised, but I can't work out how to make the type system do it. Code in thread.
This does not compile, because the
constructor is private:
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class FeatureFlags(
  private val featureFlagsClient: FeatureFlagsClient,
) {

  val myNewFeature = FeatureFlag(key = "my-new-feature", defaultValue = false)

  inner class FeatureFlag private constructor(val key: String, val defaultValue: Boolean) {
    fun isEnabled(): Boolean = featureFlagsClient.isEnabled(this)

interface FeatureFlagsClient {
  fun isEnabled(flag: FeatureFlags.FeatureFlag): Boolean
However, if I make it
then it is possible to construct a
from outside the body of `FeatureFlags`:
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FeatureFlags(featureFlagsClient).FeatureFlag("escaped-feature-flag", true)
Is there a way to restrict the scope of the constructor to the file?
OK, worked it out. Extract an interface and then the inner class can be private
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package mocklab.system.featureflags

interface FeatureFlag {
  fun isEnabled(): Boolean

class FeatureFlags(
  private val featureFlagsClient: FeatureFlagsClient,
) {

  val myNewFeature: FeatureFlag = ClientBackedFeatureFlag(key = "my-new-feature", defaultValue = false)

  private inner class ClientBackedFeatureFlag(
    override val key: String,
    override val defaultValue: Boolean,
  ) : FeatureFlag, FeatureFlagDefinition {
    override fun isEnabled(): Boolean = featureFlagsClient.isEnabled(this)

interface FeatureFlagDefinition {
  val key: String
  val defaultValue: Boolean

interface FeatureFlagsClient {
  fun isEnabled(flag: FeatureFlagDefinition): Boolean
👍 1
I think I would still try to get rid of the circular dependency though… if you change it to
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interface FeatureFlagsClient {
  fun isEnabled(key: String): Boolean?
it'll be much easier to test 😄
At the moment the feature flags depend on the client and the client depends on the feature flags, it's quite exciting
Inner classes allow all kinds of fun like that
I pulled out the
interface to get round that - I don't think there's a circular dep any more
Oh I see, I missed that change
Oh, maybe there is...
No I think you got it
At least the bit I was worried about
I think it's OK now - yes, the circular dep in the original was bothering me too!