I'm sure this is old news and a sign of how little...
# getting-started
I'm sure this is old news and a sign of how little I read, but... I've often found myself hankering for the ability to declare a type I don't own implements an interface the way you can in Haskell - I just had a revelation that of course you can:
Copy code
package module1

data class Thing1(val name: String)

package module2

interface Named {
  val name: String

fun Thing1.asNamed() = object : Named {
  override val name: String = <mailto:this@asNamed.name|this@asNamed.name>
Does this seem wise? First thing that strikes me is that the anonymous object's equals, hashCode and toString are not going to be nice...
equals, hashCode and toString are not going to be nice
You could overcome this with a class like this one I use in my KMP library to wrap platform implementations. It also has an
property to access the wrapped object directly.
Good idea, that’s nice
I also have one that wraps Objective-C `NSObject`s for Kotlin/Native as well. I'm using a similar concept, just with expect/actual classes rather than interfaces.
If you control the interface, you can actually do a typeclass-esque pattern with contexts:
Copy code
interface Summable<T> {
operator fun T.plus(other: T): T
object IntSummable: Summable<Int> { ... }
context(Summable<T>) fun List<T>.sum() = ...
// Usage
with(IntSummable) { myList.sum() }