I am trying to serialize a `List<Map<String,...
# serialization
I am trying to serialize a
List<Map<String, Any?>>
. Seems that I need to register a PolymorphicSerializer for that purpose, but I didn’t figure out how to exactly do it so that I can pass it to the
method to get JSON output. Would very much appreciate help!
During creating the Json instance you have to pass the SerializerModule (defaults to empty) that contains your polymorphic serializers.
Many thanks @hfhbd for the reply. Here is what I do:
Copy code
val listOfMap: List<Map<String, Any?>> = ...
val json = Json {
    useArrayPolymorphism = true
    serializersModule = SerializersModule {
        polymorphic(Any::class) {
            subclass(List::class, ListSerializer(PolymorphicSerializer(Any::class).nullable))
val serializer = ListSerializer(PolymorphicSerializer(Map::class).nullable) 

println(json.encodeToString(serializer, listOfMap))
but as you can see I do not understand what I am doing and do get the following error
SerializationException: Serializer for subclass 'LinkedHashMap' is not found in the polymorphic scope of 'LinkedHashMap'.