I am using Ktor darwin-legacy (2.3.9) for my KMP i...
# ktor
I am using Ktor darwin-legacy (2.3.9) for my KMP iOS app, and running Instruments I see what appear to be leaks on nearly every API call. Has anybody else seen this behavior, and perhaps there is a simple fix for it? I see a good number of bodyAsText along with other calls which makes me think any memory allocated to handle the response and parsing are the culprit. Thank you.
Are you able to reproduce the leaks with the non-legacy artifact (
I moved to use the 'regular' darwin (I use legacy because we need iOS !2 support in one of our apps). I debugged again and found one repeated leak caused by me (a custom HMAC SHA1 calculation). Changed that to use KotlinCrypto package, and that one is fixed. Still see a repeated 4K leak on every call in Ktor though. See next text snippet.
Note: after looking in more detail, it appears the leak only appears for those network calls I am doing in a suspend function. I am calling something like:
Copy code
MainScope().launch {
    withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
Perhaps I am doing something wrong here - I am no coroutines expert...
Does it leak if you use a dispatcher other than