Hi there I'm using Ktor Server with the Netty engi...
# ktor
Hi there I'm using Ktor Server with the Netty engine. I try to setup SSL on my server by following the documentation. One thing I would like to know is: How can I find out what SSL library is used (OpenSSL vs something else)? And is this dependent on what engine you chose for your server?
Interesting question! It seems Netty uses JVM's SSL impl https://netty.io/4.1/api/io/netty/handler/ssl/JdkSslContext.html
I guess all JDK use this impl. But I could be wrong. Of course other servers may opt use use an other (non JVM based) library, like OpenSSL or LibreSSL or ... (Rust has an interesting one going iirc).
Thanks! I'll try to read into the things you linked 👍